Here are testimonials from clients who have achieved incredible results.
-45 Kg
I managed to lose weight without going hungry simply by drinking my herbal teas and eating in a balanced way. My life has changed a lot and now I help people who are struggling with weight reach their goals. My job is not only to sell the products, but to stand by my customers in every difficulty that arises along the way.
-35 Kg
I got to know Tisane di Zahara through my general practitioner, I felt bad because of my thyroid, I had all the tests wrong and my blood pressure was very high, I was scared … I was really huge, I weighed 98 kg, they advised me to go to Simonetta and that she had herbal teas that could help me lose the excess pounds I had.
Today I weigh 64 kg! I don’t give them up anymore!
-58 Kg
When I started drinking Tisane di Zahara, I weighed 157 kilos and now I’ve reached 99 kilos.
A result I never thought I’d ever achieve. In the past I had tried everything, but nothing had ever given me such important and lasting results.
58 kilos less, practically another person….”a happy person!”
-45 Kg
I am happy to have started this journey and I am determined to continue this challenge. The more I see positive changes, the faster I move towards my goal! Now my days have become easier, even in small gestures. To date I have lost 46 kilos thanks to herbal teas and the help of Simonetta who was close to me and encouraged me not to give up.
-20 Kg
After trying a thousand diets, I had resigned myself to accepting the excess pounds, then a friend introduced me to Zahara’s herbal teas and I convinced myself to try them. As the days went by, I was realizing that I was losing weight effortlessly and with few sacrifices. Today, after almost a year, I can say like Simonetta: “I did it!” I lost 20 kilos. My life has changed now I’m fine.. especially with myself.
-25 Kg
I met these slimming teas by pure chance, a friend of mine had liked a post on the Facebook page of Le Tisane di Zahara, I was curious and went to open it. It was December and I had given birth to my third child a month ago. So I let it go… After January, always on Facebook, I saw a post again, I contacted Simonetta.. I was very discouraged because my body had changed a lot, she advised me what to take and supported me in this journey . I lost 25kg in about 7 months. My life has changed I started to love my body again, I never leave them again!
-32 Kg
I started herbal teas about a year ago and I lost 32 kg without making too many sacrifices, I learned to eat well thanks to Simonetta and her support, I recommend these herbal teas and Zahara products to everyone, because they give both psychological and physical support, work a lot but I’m never tired .. so much so that my children tell me: “mom what do you use?!” I trusted Simonetta and Elisabetta as they are really prepared people! I’m really satisfied. I have tried many diets… like all of us… but none of them worked like this and not only on me because there are so many testimonials and therefore the advice I can give you… TRUST SIMONETTA AND ELISABETTA!